Worse case scenario–Coronavirus a globalist/elitist bio weapon?

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The coronavirus achieves all the top priorities of the globalists: Depopulation, authoritarian government and elimination of the elderly who no longer contribute tax money

If the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) pandemic began from an “accidental” release, it sure was a happy accident for the globalists. Everything the pandemic is achieving just happens to perfectly fit the top priorities of the globalist agenda.

Consider the following:

– The coronavirus pandemic is currently on track to infect 60% – 80% of the world population and kill up to 15% of those infected, according to an increasing number of doctors and scientists. Conservatively, this could kill up to half a billion people (500 million people), which would go a long way toward accomplishing the globalist goal of depopulation.

– All the governments of the world are going broke covering entitlement payments for retired workers, such as Medicare, pensions, social security, etc. Killing off the elderly helps governments stay functionally solvent while they continue to operate on debt. (No government has any use for a citizen after they stop paying taxes and retire.) Note carefully that this virus tends to kill the elderly while leaving working-aged citizens alive so they can continue to run the factories, pay the taxes and fund the “tax plantations” that fiscally feed governments.

– The pandemic allows governments to declare medical martial law, with gunpoint-enforced quarantines, mandatory vaccinations and government kidnapping of children from parents who refuse to go along with the medical tyranny. It’s a dream come true for the CDC and the vaccine industry.

– Simultaneously, the pandemic also allows Big Tech to justify total censorship and de-platforming of “anti-vaxxers,” who will of course be immediately blamed for every infection and every death, as soon as a commercial vaccine is available.

– The economic collapse that’s now inevitable from the pandemic’s effects on the global supply chain will cover up all the counterfeit money printing by the central banks and shift blame for the economic collapse to the virus instead of failed monetary policy. Yes, the global economy was already headed for a cascading debt collapse apocalypse, but now the governments can claim “the virus did it.”

– If they can get the virus to spread quickly enough, globalists might even be able to crash the U.S. economy in time to defeat Trump’s re-election in November, removing a key enemy of the globalists and possibly even installing Hillary Clinton as Vice President (she’s rumored to be the running mate of Bloomberg).

Make no mistake, this CoVid-19 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak is almost the perfect weapon against humanity that keeps the globalists in power and even increases their tyranny on a global scale.

It’s almost as if — dare we say — the virus was intelligently designed with these goals in mind…

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Original Post


    1. Opinion: Readers: investigate first if you wish to consider this. No guarantees from author of this post.

  1. Scary !!! All the more reason for the U.S. to secure its borders, crack down on illegal immigration, and start manufacturing products in the U.S. again.

    Trump can actually use this virus as an argument AGAINST globalism, just as much as the globalists can use it as an argument in favor of it.

  2. I just read a short article by Henry Kissinger that he recently wrote regarding this “planned-demic”.
    He is a naked globalist politician
    who is unashamed to tell us what to do. His solutions smack of a centralized world government (tyrannical or benevolent matters not) that will solve the Covid 19 pandemic. The banksters of the world along with high tech gurus and a host of uber-wealthy individuals as well as politicians with grandiose ideas are going to try for world domination. It’s a perfect storm that has been planned from the start by this elite
    We must do what we can to preserve what little freedom we still have and pray for God’s help as this evil occurs. Just don’t forget
    this one thing and that is the good guys still win in the end. Reconnect to your Higher Power, God as you understand Him but still do what you are able to help yourselves and others. In these scary but also very interesting time we must pray like everything depends on God but work and persevere like everything depends on each of us. Plant your gardens no matter where you live. Many of us may not survive this wave or subsequent ones but in the long run we still win because we never gave up and kept and spread the Faith like a spiritual virus against evil as long as we were alive. Some folks will disagree with what I just said and I have no problem with that and will not post here again anyways.

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