Soros/Media Matters Manifesto to Destroy the Right Is Alarmingly Successful

The evil Mr. Brock of Media Matters

The memo/manifesto, “Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action,” outlines Brock’s four-year agenda to attack Trump and Republicans using Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Shareblue, each with their own strategy and attack plan.

Created by Brock, the document was given out at a private meeting with deep-pocketed liberals/leftists in January. The meeting was led by David Brock, founder of Media Matters and a close ally of George Soros who also provides much of his funding.

On the surface, it’s a plan to influence the media and the public over the next four years but, at its core, it is a plan to manipulate and control the populace.

The nuanced document claims the moral high-ground and insists they have the “moral responsibility” to fight the right-wing.

The talk of impeachment is Media Matters idea; controlling Google and Facebook is their idea; delegitimizing Trump’s presidency and Republicans – their idea; partnering with Facebook and Google to fight so-called “fake news” – theirs.

Everything they outlined is taking place.

Media Matters will expand to do the following

For the next four years, Media Matters will, according to the document, fight right-wing “misinformation” and “propaganda”; “Google and Facebook” will not “enrich fake news sites and propagandists” [they will punish the sites if they don’t cooperate]; “alt-right social media harassment campaigns…will be punished and halted.

They are in fact going after everything right-wing.

They have a goal of promoting good journalism but it is based on their view that the right-wing is extreme and the mainstream news is journalism.

Their issues include correcting “misinformation” on left-wing issues of LGBT, workers’ rights, treatment of immigrants (illegal), gun control, gender equality, reproductive health (abortion on demand), climate and energy and economic policy [tax, spend, regulate]. If you look at their Progressive agenda, which includes identity politics, and compare it to that of the Communist Party USA, you will find them comparable.

They have the raw data of social media

Gateway Pundit has been analyzing it and pulled out the following paragraph indicating they have the raw data from social media sites.

“Media Matters has already secured access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. We have also put in place the technology necessary to automatically mine white nationalist message boards and alt-right communities for our archive.

We will now develop technologies and processes to systematically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.”

With the raw data, they can control every facet of social media and, as a result, the minds of readers.

For example, on p. 43, they wrote they were building an algorithm at the time of printing that is “specifically designed to amplify negative content for Trump and deliver positive content to bolster the resistance. Further, by pulling the most widely shared progressive content from the top 1,000 social media accounts, Shareblue’s algorithm will not only aggregate, but drive news and opinion.” [Shareblue is their left-wing answer to Breitbart].

Also, Media Matters has mapped the right-wing  “fake news” sites, prioritized them, and has helped Google tailor their policies for advertising to shut these sites out.

They are behind the shutting down of the right on Facebook and Google by their own admission (p.12).

Having a wide reach isn’t enough, they want to recruit and train other bloggers to call out and shut down the right-wing. With the raw data and the cooperation of Google and Facebook, it won’t be hard for them to do and we already see it happening.

They also have the opposition research thanks to American Bridge. It’s American Bridge’s job to research, collect, store and disseminate their huge database of information to level the opposition.

The targets:  continue here

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